Human Resources and Management
People are at the centre of any organization. Faculty members in the Human Resources & Management Area at DeGroote are studying how to plan for, select, train, organize, lead, motivate and inspire and manage people, from contract workers to long-time employees, from North America and Europe to Asia and Africa. Generally, the main purpose of these activities is to enhance organizational effectiveness and to help organizations achieve their strategic objectives.
Research conducted by faculty encompasses the broad disciplines of organizational behaviour, human resource management, and industrial relations. Most faculty in the area hold external research grants (totalling almost $2 million) and all have ongoing programs of research.
Recent publications by area members have appeared in such journals as Academy of Management Journal, Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Human Relations, Industrial Relations, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, and Strategic Management Journal.
Associate Professor
Meena Andiappan (Ph.D. Boston College) is an Associate Professor of Human Resources and Management at McMaster University. Prior to joining the DeGroote School of Business, she held faculty...
Dr. Baba specializes in management theory, evidence-based management, development management, management skill development and management training in the developing world. He has been a consultant...
Yair Berson (Ph.D. SUNY Binghamton) is the future director of the DeGroote Leadership Centre. His research helps demonstrate how leaders’ characteristics (e.g., values) and actions (e.g.,...
Professor / Business Research Chair / Acting Director, McMaster Centre for Research on Employment and Work (MCREW)
Dr. Catherine Connelly holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Organizational Behaviour, and is a Member Emeritus of the College of New Scholars of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC). She is a...
Professor / Canada Research Chair in Organizational Behaviour & Human Performance Tier I
Dr. Rick Hackett is a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Organizational Behaviour and Human Performance with the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, and Fellow of the Canadian...
Professor / Director, Centre for Research on Community Oriented Entrepreneurship (CRCE) / Business Research Chair
Benson Honig (Ph.D. Stanford University) is the Chair in Entrepreneurial Leadership, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University. He is also the Director of the Centre for Resarch on...
Associate Professor
Dr. Teal McAteer is a business consultant who specializes in the areas of leadership development, strategic human resource management, motivation, career planning and development, change, stress...
Assistant Professor
Sean O’Brady is an assistant professor at the DeGroote School of Business. He is also an associate member of McMaster's School of Labour Studies, a researcher at Cornell University's Ithaca...
Professor / Canada Research Chair in Work, Organizations and Careers-Tier II
Erin Reid (Ph.D. Harvard University) is the Canada Research Chair in Work, Careers and Organizations (Tier 2) and a Professor of Human Resources and Management. She studies the connections between...
Associate Professor / Director of the PhD Program / University Scholar
Trish Ruebottom is an associate professor of Human Resources & Management and Acting PhD Program Director at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University. She specializes in organizations...
Professor Emeritus
Dr. Zeytinoglu’s current research focuses on occupational health and safety of personal support workers in Ontario, employer flexibility strategies and non-standard employment issues, and job...