Finance and Business Economics
The Finance and Business Economics (F&BE) Area is well-known for its research on topics in portfolio theory and management, energy economics, corporate finance, derivatives, capital markets and telecommunications, among other things. Faculty members’ research has appeared in leading journals such as the Journal of Finance, Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and the Review of Financial Studies, among others.
Area members are also well-known for their award-winning teaching and contributions to pedagogical research. Offerings in finance are very extensive at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, with courses ranging from financial modelling to pension plan management to Islamic finance. At both the undergraduate and graduate levels the Area’s offering also support and prepare students for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and Certified Financial Planner® certification (CFP® certification). The area also encourages financial literacy across the university by making courses available to all undergraduate students on topics such as personal finance, financial management of health care organizations and entrepreneurial finance.
The area has been awarded a number of scholarly distinctions in recent years, including four academic chairs and two named professorships:
- BMO Financial Group Chair in Capital Markets – Financial Literary and the Individual Investor
- CIBC Chair in Financial Markets
- Mackenzie Investments Chair in Evidence-Based Investment Management
- Michael Lee Chin Family Chair in Investment and Portfolio Management
- Michael Lee Chin Family Industry Professorship in Strategic Business Valuation
- TSX Visiting Professorship
The Director of the Michael Lee Chin Institute for Strategic Business Studies and the Editor-in-Chief of the Energy Studies Review are also resident in the Finance and Business Economics Area.
Associate Professor
Dr. Amir Akbari received his Ph.D. in Finance from McGill University. His main research interests include Empirical Asset Pricing, International Finance, Institutional Investing, and Financial...
Professor / Area Chair, Finance & Business Economics / Michael Lee-Chin & Family Chair in Investment & Portfolio Management
Finance and Business Economics, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University Michael Lee-Chin & Family Chair in Investment and Portfolio Management, Area of expertise is Asset Pricing and...
Professor Charupat has conducted research in the areas of financial innovation, security designs, annuity and insurance products, arbitrage relationship, commodity investment and behavioural...
Professor Cheung specializes in investments and financial markets. His research has been published in the Journal of Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Decision Sciences, Financial Analysts...
Associate Professor
Dr. Anna Danielova is an award-winning instructor and researcher whose interests lie in the area of empirical corporate finance and corporate governance. Dr. Danielova has researched divestitures...
Assistant Professor
Dr. Yoontae Jeon received his Ph.D. in Finance from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. His main research interests include Derivatives, Information in Financial Markets,...
Guo Ying Luo is a Professor at DeGroote School of Business of McMaster University, Canada. Prior to joining McMaster University, She was a faculty at Rutgers Business School of Rutgers University,...
Associate Professor / Mackenzie Investments Chair in Evidence-Based Investment Management / Director, Master of Finance
Dr. Peter Miu’s research is primarily in the areas of credit risk modelling, financial institutions, exchange-traded funds, regulatory capital requirement, empirical methods, and investments. ...
Professor / CIBC Chair in Financial Markets
Dr. Jiaping Qiu is a professor of finance and business economics at the DeGroote School of Business and holds the CIBC Chair in Financial Markets. His research interests are in corporate finance,...
Associate Professor / Director, Gould Trading Floor & Horizon Exchange Traded Funds Investment Decision Centre
Associate Professor
Dr. Yan Wang received her M.A. in Economics and Ph.D. in Finance from McGill University. Her research interests lie mainly in the areas of financial institutions and empirical corporate finance....