Message From The Dean – March 18, 2020
Submitted by Meagan Keane for Student Experience - Academic and Career and Professional Development
Dear DeGroote community,
On Friday March 13 McMaster announced the end of in-person classes and in-person exams in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Since then our faculty members, academic leaders, and staff have undertaken the complex task of modifying our courses and evaluation components including exams.
Across all program areas and in all courses, thoughtful changes have been made to reflect our current environment and the challenges our community faces. Through all of this DeGroote’s goal has been singular: complete the term with the same high academic standards and rich learning experiences our community has come to expect from us.
Your instructors have already been sharing information directly with students but I wanted to give you an overview of decisions made for the School.
Courses and exams
All DeGroote courses are moving online until the end of the term. Group work and presentations will be done remotely. Exams will be delivered either online or as take-home assignments, and will follow their original schedule. Instructors are communicating directly with students about what this means for each class. I urge you to watch your email inbox and Avenue 2 Learn for updates from instructors.
Reviews and appeals
Once course grades have been submitted by instructors, they will be reviewed by the appropriate Area Chair and the Associate Dean’s office. Students who have concerns about their grades at that time may follow McMaster’s academic appeals procedures.
I’m confident that our approach protects the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff, while delivering the high quality education for which we are best known. For the next three weeks we will focus on implementing the plan in order to complete the term.
Our decisions are grounded in our commitment to academic integrity. DeGroote’s reputation lives in the actions of its faculty, students, staff and alumni. And in this extraordinary moment, the choices you make in your course work, group projects, and exams will all have a lasting impact. Be conscientious and work hard with integrity. It will serve you well in the days ahead.
I thank all of you for your dedication in the face of this unprecedented challenge and look forward to your accomplishments in the weeks to come.
Dean Len Waverman
DeGroote School of Business
*To read the message shared by Dean Waverman on March 13, click here. Refer to the McMaster COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information and Updates site for updates.
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