Looking for Student Advisors for the 24-Hour Case | January 21-22
The fourth annual 24-Hour Case will be hosted virtually on Friday, January 21 and Saturday, January 22. This event allows all first-year students to collaborate, brainstorm and problem solve in assigned student groups over a 24-hour period.
The Student Experience team is seeking Level III and IV volunteers to act as Advisors. Advisors must be available to answers questions from their assigned first-year groups during (a minimum of two) of the following timeslots (EST):
• Friday, January 21 | 5 – 9 p.m. (EST)
• Saturday, January 22 | 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. (EST)
• Saturday, January 22 | 12 – 3 p.m. (EST)
What are the criteria for an Advisor?
- Advisors provide support and resources regarding budgeting and financial planning. Your second and third-year Finance courses will give you the requisite knowledge to support the first-year teams.
- Advisors must be available for two of the three timeslots.
- Advisors will be asked to attend a brief training session the week of January 17 and read the Case prior to the launch on January 21.
- Advisors will answer student questions and direct them to resources, but cannot create any presentations, tell students what to include in their presentations or complete the activity for any student group.
Please note:
- Being an Advisor requires your full name to be shared with your specific group
- If you are selected as an Advisor, you will be notified no later than Monday, January 17
- All communication between advisors and student groups will take place on MS Teams
Questions? Email Lisa Barty (bartyl@mcmaster.ca) or Nidia Cerna (cernan@mcmaster.ca).
Thank you for your time and interest in supporting our first-year students’ DeGroote experience!
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