DSB Helpdesk
The DSB Helpdesk supports members of the DeGroote School of Business on the main campus and the RJC campus, Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. The DSB Helpdesk email: dsbhelp@mcmaster.ca
hello please can I gain access to Adobe reader. I am a new employee, post doc working with Benson Honig at the degroote school of business and he asked me to contact you. how do i gain access to the adobe creative cloud to have access to it and then also I need Nvivo and SPSS for data analysis
Also we want to transfer files from his iCloud Drive to my iCloud Drive . How can you help?
Hi Valerie. For help with your requests you will need to email the DSB ITS team directly using the dsbhelp@mcmaster.ca email address.