Be informed: Understanding McMaster’s MSAF Policy
What is an MSAF? The McMaster Student Absence Form (MSAF) may be used for missed academic work.
In general, students can ONLY MSAF a maximum of 35% (per course) of coursework. For absences longer than 2 weeks, please contact the Student Experience Office and meet with an Academic Advisor. Ultimately, it is at the discretion of your instructor as to how an approved MSAF will be managed.
There are two distinct types of MSAFs, with specific processes for each. Keep reading….this info is very important!
1. MSAF Self-Report
- Submitted by students in Mosaic.
- Used for missed work valued at less than 25% per course, due to medical/ select personal absences lasting 3 days or less.
- May only be used once per term.
- Must be submitted within 24 hours of your return to class. Failure to do so may result in your MSAF being denied.
- Students must immediately follow up with their instructor(s) after submitting the request.
2. MSAF Administrative Report (MSAF-AR)
- Submitted to the Student Experience, Commerce Office electronically.
- For absences lasting 4 days up to 2 weeks.
- Used if an MSAF Self-Report has already been used that term.
- For missed work valued at 25-35% per course.
- Students must complete the MSAF-AR Form within 24 hours of their return to class.
- Supporting documentation may be requested when an MSAF-AR is being reviewed.
Congratulations for reading to the end of this post! Be one of the first 50 students to come to the Student Experience Office (DSB A102) and say “I read the MSAF Post” to get a Chocolate Business Card from the SE Academic Team.
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