Sulan Kith

Sulan Kith

PhD Candidate

PhD Candidate

  • Student
  • Tags:
  • phd

Contact Information

Office: DSB DSB A210
Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 26172

Sulan is a doctoral student in the Management of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources program at DeGroote. Sulan’s research interests focus primarily on understanding discrimination in the workplace; as well as developing fair and valid compensation models for non-normative workers.

Prior to joining DeGroote, Sulan completed her Masters work in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the University of Guelph. During her time at Guelph, Sulan studied the effect of cognitive load on managers’ likelihood to commit acts of gender discrimination during job interviews.

Sulan supplements her research interests with her applied background in educational measurement and assessment. After completing her Masters degree, Sulan worked as a psychometrician with Yardstick Assessment Strategies. In this role, she consulted with several licensing and credentialing bodies across Canada; and managed the development of several high-stakes credentialing examinations that spanned various professions at both the provincial and national levels.