
Sepandar Sepehr

  • Information Systems
  • Alumni
  • Tags:
  • phd

Contact Information

Office: DSB DSB A211
Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 26035

Sepandar joined the PhD program in September 2010.

Supervisor: Milena Head

  • M.Sc., Computer Science, McMaster University
  • B.Sc., Computer Engineering Software, University of Tehran, 2008

Sepandar was involved in a very well-known internship program in Germany through IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Teaching Experience) in 2007. He has also actively participated in private development and consulting projects regarding system analysis, design and implementation. In addition, he has worked as a teaching assistant in the Computer Science and Business departments and as a private tutor for over four years. Moreover, he has experienced serving as a reviewer for well-known conferences and journals.

Sepandar’s research interests include adoption, continuing use, and high engagement in hedonic information systems, in particular game-based learning mediums. He is also interested in topics such as knowledge sharing in online social networks and usability in the context of health informatics (or e-Health).

Sepehr, S., Head, M., (2011). The Role of Competitiveness in the Cognitive Absorption of Video Games. To be published in Proceedings of the 10th Pre-ICIS Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Shanghai, China, December 4, 2011.

Sepehr, S. (2010). Adding Nested Headers and a Proper Gtk-Based GUI to The Haskell Table Tools. McMaster University Library. (Master’s Thesis)