Mohammad B. Kayed

Mohammad B. Kayed

  • Marketing
  • PhD Program
  • Alumni
  • Tags:
  • phd

Contact Information

Office: DSB DSB A210
Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 20086

Mohammad is a doctoral candidate in the marketing area at the DeGroote School of Business and is currently working on completing his doctoral dissertation. His research interests lie primarily in the general areas of Marketing Strategy, Marketing-Finance Interface, and Interorganizational Relationships. Within the marketing strategy area, he investigates how different elements of marketing strategy (e.g., brand and channel) interact with and influence each other and how that reflects on the firm’s performance. Within the marketing-finance interface area, he explores how different marketing actions and initiatives affect shareholder wealth. Within the interorganizational relationships area, he focuses on distribution channels and studies different channel governance and channel management issues.

In 2018, Mohammad won the prestigious ISBM Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Institute for the Study of Business Markets (Penn State). Besides, he holds the highly-coveted Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Doctoral Award (valued at $105,000). Prior to academia, Mohammad worked in the automotive and financial services sectors for around a decade. During his corporate career, he held various senior managerial positions, and oversaw several projects at international level for leading clients such as Audi, Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz, and Mazda.

Supervisor: Manish Kacker

  • M.B.A., American University in Dubai (4.0 GPA).
  • B.Eng., Computer Engineering, Beirut Arab University.
  • Experience as Instructor:
    • Introduction to Marketing (2MA3), Winter 2018, McMaster University.

Evaluation: (Median=10/10; Mean=9.8/10; Response Rate=81.1%).

  • Pedagogic Training and Certification:
    • Certificate of Successful Completion of “Teaching and Learning Foundations” from the MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching (MIIETL) at McMaster university.
  • Experience as Teaching Assistant:
    • Undergraduate Courses: Introduction to Marketing (2MA3), New Product Marketing (4MC3), Entrepreneurship (4SE3), Applied Marketing Management (3MC3).
    • Graduate Courses: Marketing Management (M650), Creating Customer Value (I604).
  • Experience as Corporate Trainer:
    • Developed a full-day training workshop for Volkswagen Group’s Insurance Services Program, got it approved by Volkswagen’s and Audi’s Head Offices in Germany, and conducted more than a dozen workshops in various countries. Attendees included dealers’ sales staff, service engineers, and senior management; Audi Volkswagen Regional HQ staff and senior management; and VW and Audi head office representatives.
  • Experience as Guest Speaker:
    • “The Alphabets of Insurance and Risk Management” & “The Insurance Industry in the MENA Region: Challenges and Opportunities”, The American University in Dubai (2011).

Working Papers:

“Channel Governance through Brand Equity: How Brand Equity Shapes Distribution Channel Structure” with Manish Kacker, Ruhai Wu, and Farhad Sadeh.

  • Winner of the ISBM (Institute for the Study of Business Markets) Doctoral Dissertation Award (Penn State).
  • Presented/to be presented at the 7th Annual Theory + Practice in Marketing (TPM) Conference (May 2017), the 2018 American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference, the 47th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference (May 2018), and the 2018 ISBM Biennial Academic Conference (August 2018).

Ongoing Research Projects:

  1. “The Role of Brand Equity in Distribution Channels: Theoretical Integration and Conceptual Framework.” with Manish Kacker.
  2. “Brand Equity and Channel Management: Do Firms with Stronger Brands Manage their Distribution Channels Differently?” with Manish Kacker.
  3. “Marketing-Finance Interface Research in Marketing: Theoretical Integration, Methodological Review, Research Agenda, and Insights for Practice.” with Manish Kacker.
  4. “Multi-brand Distribution: Theoretic Explanation and Empirical Verification.” with Manish Kacker.


  • Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Award (value=$105,000).
  • ISBM Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM) at Penn State University.
  • Passed the comprehensive doctoral exams “with distinction.”
  • The ‘MBA Program Award’ granted to the graduating student who achieves the highest academic standing and exhibits leadership potential (graduated top of my class with a 4.0 GPA).
  • Scored a full mark (1000/1000) in Cisco System’s International CCNA Certification exam for computer networks infrastructure.
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship (value=$10,000).

Peer-reviewed Conference Presentations and Proceedings:

  • Kayed, M., Kacker, M., Wu, R., and Sadeh, F. (2018). “Channel Governance through Brand Equity: How Brand Equity Shapes Distribution Channel Structure.” To be presented at the 2018 ISBM Biennial Academic Conference, August 2018, Cambridge, MA, U.S.
  • Kayed, M., Kacker, M., Wu, R., and Sadeh, F. (2018). “Channel Governance through Brand Equity: How Brand Equity Shapes Distribution Channel Structure.” Presented at the 47th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference, May 2018, Glasgow, UK.
  • Kayed, M., Kacker, M., Wu, R., and Sadeh, F. (2018). “Channel Governance through Brand Equity: Implications for Capital Allocation to Brand Investments.” Presented at the 2018 American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference, Feb 2018, New Orleans, LA, U.S.
  • Kayed, M., Kacker, M., Wu, R., and Sadeh, F. (2017). “Brand Equity and Vertical Integration: How Does Brand Equity Influence Channel Structure?” Presented at the 7th Annual Theory + Practice in Marketing (TPM) Conference, May 2017, Charlottesville, VA, U.S.