
Maheeya Mujib

  • Information Systems
  • PhD Program
  • Student
  • Tags:
  • phd

Contact Information

Office: DSB DSB A210
Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 26181
LinkedIn Profile

Maheeya is a PhD candidate, working towards her degree requirement in the IS field, under the supervision of Dr. Milena Head. Her research mainly focuses on the dark side of electronic business (eBusiness) and Human Computer Interaction (HCI). She has adapted a multidisciplinary approach that integrates the fields of Information systems, eHealth, eMarketing, and Strategy. Her research interests span across: e-Health (tech dependency and its negative impacts), Cyper-personality, techno-stress, Adaptation of Innovative technologies (in business and their performance implications), Decision Support Systems (Digital transformation using Big Data)

Supervisor: Milena Head

  • M.B.A., Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University
  • B.B.A., University of Dhaka

Maheeya’s research interests include: e-Health (tech dependency and its negative impacts), Cyper-personality, techno-stress, Adaptation of Innovative technologies (in business and their performance implications), Decision Support Systems (Digital transformation using Big Data).

  • Teaching Assistant, McMaster University. The courses she was involved in include: M600-Marketing Concepts and Applications (MBA), 4MC3-New Product Marketing, 3MC3-Applied Marketing Management.
  • Research Assistant, McMaster University. Her work involves price fairness perceptions, price asymmetry and channel pricing. She is also interested in online marketing practices and how it affects price perceptions.
  • Research Assistant, Ryerson University. Her work involved international market entry strategies and cross border mergers and acquisitions.
  • Maheeya worked in the business-to-business (B2B) industry that involved analyzing competitor’s business strategies and conducting market research.

Maheeya was awarded the DeGroote Entrance Scholarship (2012), DeGroote Research Scholarship (2012-2016) and multiple Research Fellowships (2012, 2014, 2015).

  • Mujib, M. and Head, M. (2020). Mental Health and Social Media- Looking
    through a Parasocial lens to understand the Influence of Social Media
    Platforms (SMPs) on parasocial relations. Publication in ASAC 2020
    conference proceedings.
  • Mujib, Maheeya (2020). Mental Health and Social Media- Looking
    through a Parasocial lens to understand the Influence of Social Media
    Platforms (SMPs) on parasocial relations. ASAC 2020 IS division
    presentation, June. Memorial University in St. John’s, Newfoundland and
    Labrador, Canada.
  • Mujib, Maheeya (2019). Mental Health and Social Media- Looking Through a Para
    Social lens to understand the Influence of Social Media Platforms (SMPs) and Celebrity
    Endorsements. IS PhD student Research Seminar series, October. McMaster
    University, Hamilton.