Gary Kain

Gary Kain

Recipient of the Wayne C. Fox Distinguished Alumni Award | 2011
  • Alumni
  • Distinguished Alumni
Class of MBA '73
  • Tags:
  • alumni
The information in this profile was accurate at the time the award was presented.

CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Regional Cablesystems Inc.*

Since graduating from McMaster’s MBA program, Gary has had an impressive career. He earned his CA and CBV designations and then began working in various Toronto-based investment banking and accounting firms in the fields of business valuation, merger and acquisition, and corporate finance. In 1984 he joined Cancom as the Vice-President, Finance and subsequently moved up to CFO and then COO. Four years later he founded Regional Cablesystems Inc., a cable television, high speed internet and telecom company with operations throughout Canada and the Bahamas. Prior to retiring, Gary was CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors.

In 2007, Gary was inducted into the McMaster Alumni Gallery and currently sits on McMaster’s board of governors.

*Title at time of award