Fatma Elbabour

PhD Candidate

PhD Candidate

  • Student
  • Tags:
  • phd

Contact Information

Email: elbabouf@mcmaster.ca
Office: DSB DSB A210
Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 26028

I joined the PhD program (Information Systems) at DeGroote School of Business in September 2019. My broad research interests are in the area of human-computer interaction (HCI). My current research aims to explore the intersection between technology and learning, with focus on e-learning and mobile learning experiences in higher education.

Supervisor: Dr. Milena Head

  • MSc., Information Systems, University of East Anglia, UK.
  • BSc., Information Technology, University of Benghazi, Libya

Before joining DeGroote School of Business, I worked for three years as an assistant lecturer at the University of Benghazi. During that time, I enjoyed teaching undergraduate-level courses at the Department of Information Systems, and I had the opportunity to supervise several final year projects.

At the University of Benghazi, I taught the following undergraduate-level courses:

  • System Analysis and Design
  • Information Systems Theory and Practice
  • Fundamentals of Information Systems

At DeGroote School of Business, I worked as a teaching assistant for the following courses:

  • 2KA3 Information Systems in Management
  • K731 Project Management
  • D700 Case Analyses and Presentations
  • eHealth 736 Management Issues in eHealth
  • eHealth 745 eHealth Innovations and Trends

Elbabour, Fatma and Head, Milena, “Mobile Learning and Student Engagement in Higher Education: A Review” (2020). Proceedings of the 19th Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop. https://aisel.aisnet.org/sighci2020/2.

Elbabour, F., Alhadreti, O., Mayhew, P. (2017). Eye Tracking in Retrospective Think-Aloud Usability Testing: Is There Added Value? Journal of Usability Studies, 12, 95-110.