Dr. Diana Kao

Dr. Diana Kao

  • Information Systems
  • Alumni
Class of 1993
  • Tags:
  • phd

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Dr. Kao earned her Ph.D. from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. She majored in Management Information Systems while minoring in Operation Research and Statistics. Prior to this, she also earned a Graduate Diploma in Accounting from Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Before she received her advanced education, she spent half a decade as a small business owner participating in international trade both in Taiwan and in Canada.

Thesis Title: Abstraction in Conceptual Model Design.

Supervisor: Dr. Norm Archer

  1. Electronic Commerce
  2. Enterprise Software
  3. Internet-based Teaching and Learning

Dr. Kao particularly enjoys conducting international research focusing on the use of information technology in China and Taiwan, particularly in areas of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software, e-commerce, and Web-based education software. As part of this stream of work, she has also invited and worked with a visiting professor from China to collaborate with her – indicative of the international cooperation on research that the OSB has recently been aiming to increase as it further internationalizes its efforts. She also is involved in examining E-commerce, specifically concentrating on how to help organizations plan and design successful e-business ventures. Lastly, she is combining her strengths in research and teaching by performing research in the area of WWW-based teaching and learning. In this subject matter domain, she is studying how to enhance the learning experience of both on-campus students and distance students using hybrid models (i.e., combining the strength of person-to-person and Internet teaching techniques).

Kao, D. and Archer, N.P. (1997). Abstraction in Conceptual Model Design. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Vol.46, pp.125-150. In this effort, she studied how human abstract a problem and design solutions. A software prototype was developed to demonstrate how the design process could be supported.

Kao, D. and Decou, J. (2003). A Strategic Based E-Commerce Planning Model. Industrial Management Data Systems. Forthcoming. In this paper, the authors proposed a model to support the process of e-commerce planning. Managerial issues concerning the implementation of e-commerce were also discussed.

Kao, D. and Shao, P.J. (2002). The Role of SAP in China’s Informationization Process. Issues in Information Systems. China is one of the developing countries that are experiencing computerization and ‘informationization’ at a quickly growing rate. This paper examined the role of Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) software in the process.