Dr. Andrew Carrothers
- Finance and Business Economics
- Alumni
Contact Information
Andrew’s primary research interest is corporate governance, particularly hedge fund activism and executive perk compensation.
His projects included: the interaction between activist hedge funds and other institutional investors; the determinants of executive perks; the impact of the 2008 financial crisis, particularly the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), on executive wages and perks; and the impact of hedge fund activism on executive compensation and wealth.
Thesis Title: Three Essays in Corporate Governance
Supervisor: Jiaping Qiu
Current Position: Assistant Professor, School of Business, University of Prince Edward Island
- M.B.A., Finance, McMaster University
- B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, University of New Brunswick
- University Senate and Senate Executive Committee
- Graduate Council
- Graduate Student Association
- DeGroote Doctoral Student Association.
- CFA Charter Holder
- Licensed Professional Engineer
Completed Working Papers
Carrothers, A., S. Han, and J. Qiu, 2012, The market for CEO talent and perquisites: Theory and evidence.
Carrothers, A., 2013, Friends or foes? Activist hedge funds and other institutional investors.
Working Papers
Executive wages, perks and the 2008 financial crisis.
The impact of hedge fund activism on executive compensation and wealth.