Mike Heenan
- Health Policy and Management
- PhD Program
- Student
Contact Information
Email: | heenanmi@mcmaster.ca |
Mike joined the DeGroote Ph.D. program in Health Management in September 2017. Studying Part-Time, Mike is currently an Executive Vice President at Humber River Hospital and has over 18 years of healthcare leadership experience, primarily in hospitals. An MBA Grad (2008) from DeGroote, Mike’s dissertation focus is on motivational theory and researching how the selection of key performance indicator and their targets impact the willingness of frontline mangers to improve outcomes. During his time as a PhD student, Mike has published his work five times.
- MBA, Degroote School of Business, McMaster University
- BA, Economics, McMaster University
• Quality and Patient Safety
• Physician and Staff Engagement
• Measurement
• Disclosure of Critical Incidents
Heenan M., Mulvale G. (2021). What factors impact Ontario hospitals implementation of national standards and policies on the disclosure of critical incidents: A Multiple Hospital Case Study. Healthcare Policy. 76-88. doi: 10.12927/hcpol.2021.26431
Anderson K., Heenan M. (2021). Rethinking health policy student practicums through the application of the Multiple Streams Framework: A case study. Healthcare Management Forum doi: 10.1177/08404704211009231
2020-An opportunity for improved engagement and transparency: A systematic review of renal dialysis cost effectiveness and discrete choice experiment studies. M. Heenan. Healthcare Management Forum. DOI:10.1177/0840470420916775
2019-Twenty Years Later: Do we have an agreed upon definition of health quality management? M. Heenan. Healthcare Quarterly. Vol. 21, No. 1, 2019. DOI: 10.12927/hcq.2019.25741
2019-So that’s how it works? How observing a clinical process improved the management perspectives of non-clinical staff. A mixed-methods study. M. Heenan, A. Lukich, D. Myers, W. Pomponio, D. Yardley. Healthcare Management Forum. Vol. 32, No. 5, 2019. DOI: 10.1177/0840470419837260
2017-Reflections on Gratitude from a ‘Restructured’ Healthcare Executive. M. Heenan. Hospital Impact: Fierce Healthcare, October 4, 2017.
2016-Yes, Doctors You Were Right. The Data Were Wrong: One Organization’s Data Quality Journey. M. Heenan, E. Buller, T. Rogovein, A. Plati. Healthcare Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2016. DOI: 10.12927/hcq2016.24607
2012-Hospital on A Page: Standardizing Data Presentation to Drive Quality Improvement. M. Heenan, M. DiEmanuele, K. Hayward-Murray, L. Dadgar. Healthcare Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2012. DOI: 10.12927/hcq.2012.22767
2010-Perhaps I am one of the Lucky Ones. M. Heenan, Healthcare Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2010.
DOI: 10.12927/hcq.2013.21988
2010-Real Numbers Tell Real Stories in Health Services Management. M. Heenan, B. Wood, W. Taylor. Healthcare Management Forum, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.hcmf.2010.07.006
2010-From Boardroom to Bedside: How to Define and Measure Hospital Quality. M. Heenan, H. Khan, D. Binkley. Healthcare Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2010.
DOI: 10.12927/hcq.2013.21615
2009-Engaging Physicians in Performance Measurement & Quality. M. Heenan, D. Higgins. Healthcare Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2009. DOI:10.12927/hcq.2009.20663