Suyi Liu
- Accounting and Financial Management Services
- PhD Program
- Student
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Suyi joined the Ph.D. program (Accounting) at DeGroote in September 2020. Her primary research interests are in the fields of bank loan loss provisions, auditing, and asset pricing.
Supervisors: Dr. Justin Jin & Dr. Khalid Nainar
- M.A., Accounting, Xiamen University, China
- B.A., Accounting (ACCA), Lanzhou University, China
Associate member of the ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)
- How Well Do Profitability Measures Predict the Cross-Sectional Returns in China?, Joint Doctoral Joint Seminar Series: Seminar #4 held by Xiamen University, University of Leeds, and University of Antwerp, June 2021, Suyi Liu, Xiamen, China
- Yan Sun, Wancong Jia & Suyi Liu (2021) Is Auditors’ Professional Scepticism a “Double-edged Sword”?, Accounting Forum, DOI: 10.1080/01559982.2021.1944028