Top 3 Tips for Starting Your Own Business
Start Now.
You can always start later as well, but starting now when you’re young ensures you get through the unexpected challenges that come along with the entrepreneurial journey. You may need to try multiple attempts to get to your goals if you fail.
Failure is Progress.
Your first venture or first few for that matter, may not succeed the way you had planned. Understand that through the effort of both trying and failing you will learn what it takes to make your next venture, or iteration of your idea, have a higher chance of success. It is this learning through failure that will better prepare you for your future. “Sometimes you have to let off the pedal in order to shift to a higher gear.”
Trust your Instincts.
Trust your gut along the way to your career objectives. It may feel counter intuitive compared to what your peers are doing, but your instincts are yours. They are aligned with your goals, so follow them.
Ken Sangha is the co-founder of DoublePlay Entertainment, a Toronto & UK based mobile game development company. Ken’s knowledge extends to both technical and business operations, learning the ropes of what makes technology start ups succeed during his time living in Silicon Valley. From technical development to raising private equity to core operations, Ken’s experience includes heavy data analytics, mobile product design, user acquisition, and predictive analysis. Sitting on the advisory board of multiple start-ups and building his own company has given him great insight on the inner workings of start-up teams. Both his leadership skills and drive have enabled him to build quality teams and advisory boards with exceptional talent.
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