Top 3 Tips: Entrepreneurship in Healthcare
Paul Mercante‘s approach to entrepreneurship is tailored around the belief that everything starts with a vision; if you can see it you can make it happen. Paul spoke at the 36th McMaster World Congress on February 4 — 5, 2015 on entrepreneurship in the healthcare industry.
1. Mistakes are inevitable, learn to trust your instincts. Do not over think every opportunity or decision. What makes an entrepreneur is not knowing everything about business, but rather being passionate and fearless.
2. You do not need to be the smartest subject matter expert in the room. As you execute your vision, you transition from being the smartest person in the room, to being the most efficient and effective. By realizing you don’t have to be the smartest person, you can capitalize on more creative and collaborative skills. Therefore, opening yourself up to a much wider variety of opportunities.
3. Work with passion! Helping others achieve their dream is invigorating and the by-product of making a positive difference is success.
Paul has chosen to make a difference through the commercialization of technology and medical science. A graduate of the DeGroote School of Business, he has worked in the biotechnology industry introducing game changing technology in healthcare.
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